We work in a people’s business. EY understands that. Here you are accepted for who you are. For every tear and for every moment of laughter throughout the working hours. EY is a family and everyone is welcome.
Louis Hoste
- Senior Consultant
- Tax & Legal
- 5 years at EY
“EY is one happy family. And it's a big one.”

“Managers or even partners will never berate you for making a mistake. They will help you figure out what you did wrong and how you can learn from it. They create room to make mistakes so you can grow.”
“I once was that boy standing at the bottom. Since then, I can say that I have climbed plenty of stairs. And I still learn something new every day.”
“A solid staircase needs a strong foundation to hold all the weight of what is to come. At EY, management is that foundation by guiding and assisting us throughout our journey.”
“A big part of climbing the staircase is personal & professional development. EY will encourage you to attend seminars or even host them yourself together with your colleagues. I once got to prepare and host a corporate tax update.”
“A while back, I was hospitalised for quite some time. As anyone would, I started worrying about being able to come back to EY. They assured me that my health comes first and that I will be welcome back when I’m ready. (And not a day sooner.)”